Manufacturing Day 2024

MFG Day 2024 is October 4.


Manufacturing Day addresses common misperceptions about manufacturing by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing is — and what it isn’t.

By working together during and after MFG DAY, manufacturers will begin to address the skilled labor shortage they face, connect with future generations, take charge of the public image of manufacturing, and ensure the ongoing prosperity of the whole industry. MFG DAY is designed to amplify the voice of individual manufacturers and coordinate a collective chorus of manufacturers with common concerns and challenges. The rallying point for a growing mass movement, MFG DAY empowers manufacturers to come together to address their collective challenges so they can help their communities and future generations thrive.


Created by Founding Partner Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, International in 2012, MFG DAY has enjoyed support from many organizations aligned with its mission of positively changing the public perception of modern manufacturing. Organizations that have played a vital role in working with FMA to successfully grow this national celebration of all things manufacturing include the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the Manufacturing Institute (MI), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP). MFG DAY is now produced annually by the NAM with key contributions and support from the MEP and the MI.

LancasterMakes is happy to assist you with planning your MFG Day events. We are able to help facilitate tours, in-school events and speakers. LancaterMakes has a team of speakers ready to speak in schools about the careers in manufacturing and their own career journeys. You can learn more about that program and the speakers available here.

Please reach out to to plan tours and other events for your school for MFG Day or any day of the year.


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